Thursday, October 16, 2014


There we go, counting down our time again.  Halfway through the semester, midterms, which means over halfway through my college career.  Life hits so hard and fast sometimes.

There hasn't been much going on at school.  Lots of applications, lots of tests and quizzes, papers and midterms, on top of interning.  I was sick all week though so I'm just recovering.  Dallas was a blast but I obviously came back exhausted and sick so I'm glad midterms were last week for me.  Luckily, I was able to eat a full meal today with my one of my favorite and busiest friends, Blessing.  We got to chatting and there are two things that were really weighing on my mind.

First: What do you want to do after college?

Okay, honestly, I've known for a long time and it's no secret to anyone who knows me where I want to be after I graduate.  So when someone looks at me and tells me that they are enrolled in college courses but don't know what they want to do, I am always a little more than confused.  But as a freshman or a sophomore, you're kind of allowed to not know--you have "time".  As a junior, I don't know about y'all, but for me I'm like okay time for you to pull your head out of your hiney and figure out where you're supposed to be.

Is it really that hard?  To decide where you're going to be after college?  It's really not even a decision, it's just wherever your little heart tells you to go; college isn't even on the radar for some of us and that's relatable--college isn't for everyone.  But quit wasting your time and money on something that you aren't even sure of or passionate about, you know?

Better yet, is it worth it to go through four years of college, studying something that's going to make you money but that you don't enjoy?  I don't get it.  Maybe that's just me though.

Second: Why do the nice ones always finish last?


^ but that's selfish.  I don't need anything in return except some acknowledgement and the occasional TLC.  YEAH, there, I said it.  Me, Rachele Clegg.  I need some TLC; I have all this love to give (probably not obviously, and surprisingly to a lot of you) but when I need it reciprocated, I find myself in the middle of Area 51 or something.  But you know what?  That's a lot to ask for out of people anymore.  Common decency used to be a thing, but it's not anymore.  It's not a thing at all.  I catch myself getting jealous of other people's materialistic things, but then I recognize how miserable they are.  I'll take happiness over misery any day but sometimes, if I got a little lucky, I wouldn't mind a single bit.  The good news though?

Good people, bring out the good in people.      

You know what other excuse really grinds my gears?  Maybe I've mentioned it before, but the excuse of "I'm busy".  No, you're not busy.  You either just don't care or you have really crappy time management.  Yeah, I said that too.  If you're too "busy", you're probably one of those people that doesn't have to use a planner to even get your life organized.     

Bottom line: Figure your future out & be nicer because you never know what tomorrow's gonna bring. 

So I'll leave y'all with a quote that's kept me pushing through lately and maybe even a picture.

You were born with the ability to change someone's life, don't ever waste it.
-Lilly Pulitzer

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