Friday, September 12, 2014

Long Overdue

Alright, I haven't given up yet and that's the good news for this post.  It's the end of week four and I can't decide whether I should cry, curl up into the fetal position, hibernate, or laugh...and when I say laugh, I mean that I could probably compare this kind of laughter to laughing at a funeral, you know like laughing when you aren't supposed to but the situation is so awkward that you don't know what else to do.  Yeah.

I started working an internship at a political consulting firm and I love it.  I pretend like I'm Olivia Pope and it's wonderful.  The best part about the whole thing is that they are LIBERAL!  Goodness, I miss D.C.  But really...nostalgia from the liberals in D.C. because Oklahoma and...well, you get the point.

I'm learning though.  I have the coolest professors this year; I literally love all of them.  I'm also learning that as much as I think that I go through, there are a number of others who go through situations way worse than mine so there's no need to be emotional and irrational about it.

Anchorsplash is coming up and I personally, am SO SO SO READY.  I also just realized that I need to finish applying for a number of different things by like next week so these next two weeks are about to be packed.  Speaking of which, there's something that I just feel like I need to address.

Busy.  Everyone and their mother, is busy.  Hell, I'm busy.  But you know what?  Busy does not give you an excuse to be a crappy person.  Really, busy is not an excuse at all.  "Oh, yeah I haven't had time for you in two months because I've been busy."  

You wanna know how busy I'VE been?  No, you sure don't because you didn't ask.  You didn't ask because you don't care; busy is just an ugly excuse for "I don't care about you enough to give you the time of day".

End rant.  That's just something I've realized over these last few weeks, because luckily enough, my best friend goes to the U of A and at the end of a long day, still makes time for me.  My mom works 40+ hours a week and still makes time for me.  It's really great and my life isn't so bad.  I'm still trying to get into the groove of things here, but it seems like there's some new obstacle in my way every day.  I catch myself being so exhausted that I can't wait to get in bed at the end of the day, but once I'm in bed, I get so anxious about what I have to do the next day that I end up staying up all night worrying or trying to get something else done.  But thankfully, I have some really great friends that make it easy to call Norman home. 

College is hard--if you don't know what you want to do for the rest of your life, do not invest your money or time into attending college.  It will be a giant waste.  Thankfully enough, I love what I do.

To each his own, I suppose.  Shout out to my mom for sending me socks and a new headband today along with an awesome card to cheer me up.  It's pretty neat that she just knows when I'm in need.  In the meantime, say a prayer that I will survive this semester and leave with my sanity in tact; as always, I'll leave y'all with a little something that I have to constantly remind myself with every day.  

"When we are sure that we are on the

right road there is no need to plan our

journey too far ahead. No need to

burden ourselves with doubts and fears

as to the obstacles that may bar our 

progress. We cannot take more than 

one step at a time."

-Orison Swett Marden


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