Thursday, October 8, 2015

An Ode to Senior Year?

Or an open letter to anyone who actually keeps up with me via this blog, because it'll have updates on my life.  Or an open letter to my fan club {FYI, it doesn't exist}.  Or really, an invite to anyone who wants to read about what it's like to be a senior, at 21 years old, in one of the best universities in the nation {BOOOMER, am I right?}, and still trying to figure your life out.

Sentiments on that matter?

Also known as, I HAVE NO FRICKIN CLUE.

I have always prided myself on being someone that feels like they have their life figured out.  I mean, I still do pride myself on that.  I have a pretty specific idea on what I want to do with my future, I'm still enjoying my major, and I have roots/a MASSIVE support system {who I never dedicate near enough credit...} at my university.  But internally, you know where I'm at with all of that?

Yeah. Right there with Ron Weasley in the forest with all the giant spiders.  Classes are HARD, y'all.  In case most of you are wondering {PLOT TWIST: you aren't} what International Security classes consist of, they look like the following:

Small Wars/Low Intensity Conflicts
Modern Iran 1500-Present
State & Society of Pakistan
History of Central America & the Caribbean

I have all of those on Tuesday/Thursday.  That means I am involved, quite literally, in four different countries on the days that I have class.  Don't think it's all rainbows and unicorns in the Middle East and Latin America--I know, sounds great to have classes twice a week.  But did you know that most of my professors assign anywhere from 60-100 pages of reading a week?  How many of you read 400 pages a week?  Probably not very many, if I had to guess it.  At least I'm enjoying my classes though.  The highlight of my year has easily been Dr. Shah asking if we had anyone that was against gun control in one of my classes and the entire class kept their hands down.  DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE WAITED TO BE IN A CLASS FULL OF LIBERAL THINKERS?!  Goodness.

Anyway, another thing I want to touch on: getting involved on campus.  Everyone can appreciate a campus climber, isn't that right?!?!?!?!

{actual feels on campus climbers}
It's cool that y'all are so involved that you can't even tell me what you're involved in or why you're involved in it, but did I really ask you how many meetings you have this week or how busy you are???

HINT: I'm semi-involved.  When I say semi, it's because I LOVE the organizations I am involved in on campus.  I am fully invested in bettering each of those organizations, but I know better than to spread myself too thin.  

Continuing on--I GOT A JOB!  I am now working at Madewell and I absolutely love it.  I have never worked retail until I started here, but for those of you that know me, you know how much I love getting to interact with people so it's been perfect.

Needless to say, I'm busy.  But once again, for those of you that know me, you know I thrive on being busy and that's okay.  I'm getting used to waking up and looking at my planner every morning again, writing papers {did I mention the 6000 word paper I have due in December?}, and reading like a crazy person all over again.  It's October and midterms are upon us.  As well as OU/Texas, but I got severely...screwed over, on my ticket for OU/TX.  So for maybe the 4th time in 15 years, I'll be missing OU/TX.  Instead, I'll be in Norman studying my brains out and going shopping for bridesmaids dresses with Ivy for the weekend.

It's October and I have survived being back in America for the last two and a half months!!!  Who would've thought?  COLSA (Colombian Student Association) has definitely kept me level though.  I miss Colombia more and more every day.  I've been meeting back up with old teachers, old friends, so on.  The typical response I get is usually as follows: Well Clegg, how does it feel to be back?  I kept up with all your adventures, you look like you had a good time.  Not many people your age have their sh*t together like you, ya know."


But here I am.  Don't worry, my social life hasn't suffered too much due to all of my other things I am juggling.  However, not many people want to go to the bars with me anymore--they tell me I "know too many people".  Why is that even a thing?  I guess between my friends in California, Tennessee, Texas, and here, I'm a pretty lucky person.  In the meantime, this is really just a blog to give me a study break, let me release some steam, and also allows me to update you on the life of Clegg {AMERICAN AGAIN!!!}  

The main takeaways from this?  It's okay to not know what you're doing tomorrow, where you're at in life, how you feel about someone, or an answer on your next quiz you have in class.  It's okay to not know, so long as you eventually learn.

Thanks for letting me babble on and share my typical, unfiltered opinions.  Meanwhile, enjoy some pictures from my senior year and keep up with me via Instagram and snapchat too.  I'm fun.

Peace and blessings, y'all.

Exploring the unknown requires tolerating uncertainty.
-Brian Greene

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