Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week 1

For starters, I just think blogging is healthy.  It's healthy because I am able to give those of you who feel distant from me some insight into what my life is like on a day to day basis, which makes me vulnerable.  Vulnerable to both welcome and unwelcome opinions, happy and unhappy thoughts, but most of all, it lets you all know that I am a normal human being, I make mistakes, but I am relatable.  

Anyway, this post is just kind of a short one.  School starts tomorrow so even though I'm dead tired, I stayed up to creep my class rosters.  17 hours of classes, y'all.  We'll see if I have any hair left on top of my head by the end of the semester. 

This weekend has been so great, getting back into the swing of things here in Norman.  There are few better feelings than the following two:
1.) The sense of belonging.  Don't get me wrong, home is wherever my mama is but it feels good to be back around people my age.
2.) Realizing that your friends missed you as much as you missed them.  It's wonderful.

As happy as I am to be back, I'm really dreading this whole week.  I love school and I'm pumped for classes but at the same time, classes are going to be difficult.  International Security & Spanish are gonna slowly drive me insane.  Between "The Politics of Russia" and "US-Middle East Relations 1945-Present", I also have beginning French (never spoken a lick of French in my life) and conversational Spanish (a class full of a bunch of kids that I don't know).  Oh, don't forget the best one yet--"The Evolution of Martyrdom in the Christian-Judeo Civilization".  

I caught myself stressing out today, more than once.  People's opinions can really get to you.  I mean, REALLY get to you.  Sticks and stones, blah blah but it's like a mental block.  Being constantly set out to prove people wrong is a tough mindset to stay in, but God bless if that's not where I'm at with about 90% of the people who think they have any sort of opinion about me.  Luckily, I was surrounded by almost all of my favorite people at some point or another this weekend.  After having lunch with Elise and returning to Sunday dinners with Brandon, it's nice to know I have a support group as awesome as those two, not to mention my roommate Kristen and Sasha, my triplet.  In the mean time, I was reminded that too much of anything is not a good thing and there is no such thing as too much "Tea Cafe".  So while I'm sitting here frantically filling out my planner full of things that need to be done or are expected to be done, I'm finding solace in the fact that I am halfway done with my college career.  After tomorrow, there will only be three more semesters of not knowing my professors or classmates or worrying about whether or not all the information in my planner is correct.  

Mondays are the longest day of the week for all of my classes so of course, tomorrow is unavoidable. Mondays man.  Let's just hope that this year is as rockin' as the past two years have been.  Oh and I miss DC dearly.

If you do what you need, you're surviving.  If you do what you want, you're living.

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